
Monday, 18 July 2011

Final thoughts...

A full 6 months have passed since we started this module together during which although we only met a couple hours a week we managed to cover a great deal of topics and complete various workshops. This post is intended as a wrap up for this module which will go through most of the material we went through.

HTML/CSS - This was our first session together, all of us knew at lest the very basics of HTML and CSS and while the session was very informative it was more of a familiarization session where we introduced each-other and started getting used to the module. I still remember this first post we had to write and how many hours I spent re-writing same sentences over and over again.
JavaScript - Out first assignment in this module was the java script running man, experimenting with a language I never dared getting close to because of all the misconceptions surrounding it from compatibility issues any lack of   standards proved to be very informative. Although there are real compatibility issues with JavaScript most can easily be overcome by following proper guidelines and design patterns available over the net.

PHP -This was out second task for this module, we were all asked to design and develop a web-space management system where users would be able to upload and download files securely through a browser. This was

SecondLife - I must admit this part of the module would be the one I disliked the most, spending time in a virtual environment with graphics like they're 5 years too late seemed way too daunting. The scripting sessions were interesting but again we were developing in an environment none of us were interested in. If I had to learn a scripting language I would have rather learnt something which might become useful later on in my carer. Virtual world will someday become the norm but I'm sure it will not be in form of the current second life implementation. One thing is fore sure you will not be finding my avatar roaming the second world any time soon

HTML5/Mobile Applications - During these sessions we explored various features that are already available though current production browser versions such as the geo-location feature on Chrome and mobile devices.

Online Social Networks - This was an informative session about social networks, we are also now all grouped up in Google+ circles as a result of that session.

Cloud Computing - This was the topic we covered during our final session, we discussed what the "cloud" actually means and the various advantages and disadvantages to distributed computing as well as the security issues relating to "the cloud".

Just writing this blog post makes me wonder how we actually managed to do all that in just a couple of months, but we did. I'm sure every one of us would agree that it was all interesting and informative.

Finally I would like to thank our tutor Jeremy who presented this module in an interesting fashion enriching each session with the knowledge gathered throughout his own career in the IT industry.


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